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Are You Sirius????

Well, my auspicious radio career began in January, 1985, as Sherman the Rock 'n Roll Gorilla (see photo above of guy in new wave glasses--no, not the guy wearing the Duckie Pretty in Pink costume--the guy wearing the hillbilly overalls trying to sell pumpkins) at KSPC Pomona College in January, 1985.  My ratings (competing with former Memphian Rick Dees, no less) on the West Coast were so high that I was instantly hired by WCFM Williamstown for a spell there in the mid-'80s.  I took summers off to host jazz shows at the now defunct WLYX Radio Rhodes (defunct thanks to a horrible decision by arts & music-hating/former industrial carpet salesman & President of Rhodes College James Daughdrill).  Word got around to Memphis InstitutionWEVL, who gave me a massive signing bonus and a 10 year contract in the '90s to handle "the night shift."  Apparently some of my legendary air-check tapes started making the rounds on the you tubes and my good friend Justin Bieber er, Justin Gage, hired me on as asidekick to his show on Sirius Aquarium Drunkard Radio Friday, June 11th at noon & at midnight.  I invited my good friend Doug EZ Easleyto sit in & talk about the good ole days with me.

Check it out and vote for your favorite moldie-oldies at Sirius/XM.  Thanks to all the little people who keep mailing in those requests.  It's what keeps me going down to the station.  You just can't keep a good d.j. down, right, Dewey!