Will Roy Sanders

Will Roy Sanders was truly one of the all-time great entertainers and bluesmen.  Sanders, who fronted Memphis’ longest-running and toughest party band the Fieldstones, passed away in January, 2010.  While nationally known for the 1st recording of the Albert King smash “Cross-Cut Saw,” Sanders and his band are most famous in Memphis for keeping the blues burning long and hard in Memphis during the fallow period of the 1980 and 1990s at the urban juke joint Green’s Lounge.  Shangri-la Projects worked with Mr. Sanders on a live 45, a documentary film, book, & soundtrack cd in order for the world to get a taste of what this incredible bluesman’s life was like to an outsider.  He  was there every Friday and Saturday night for decades with his top-shelf band to entertain all-comers (and believe me, all did come to Green’s Lounge!).  Now the 45, cd, 45, book & documentary remain for all to enjoy and celebrate Sanders’ outrageous life—the story of the blues indeed.